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Data Center Infrastructure Manager

A Vendor Neutral Software Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) or Intelligent Infrastructure Manager (IIM) solution that is about far more than the data centre. It’s about your entire organisation.

It’s about getting more from less by optimising the performance and value of all your IT assets. It’s about doing your part for a green environment by properly controlling your IT environment. And, it’s about ensuring your IT keeps up with your business, even as it changes and grows. 

CenterMind™ provides a single, comprehensive solution for managing diverse aspects of your data centre. It gives you full command and control of your network connectivity, service status, asset utilisation, environment and power management, and up to date location of your IP-based equipment.  

In short, CenterMind puts your data centre infrastructure management exactly where it belongs – at the centre of your organisation.  


This is a picture of a data centre floor plan


A specific tool for the management of data centre infrastructure [and rack based equipment outside Data Centres]. Provides enterprise wide view of data centres with a facility wide view of each computer room cage. Drill down to rack level, server and chassis level and have a centralised visual view to manage space, cooling and power capacity, change management, scenario testing and audit & real time power monitoring.

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This is a picture of a HVAC flow diagram in DCIM


Utilise the ever-expanding available library of pre-built templates for specific devices such as meters, thermostats, and other equipment to accelerate your deployment of an end to end solution. All templates include the visualisation itself, which can run on any desktop or mobile platform, as well as the data point profile for the specific device. However if you need to define your own appliance application, you have full capability for bringing in data points from multiple devices and building out custom dashboards using the award-winning graphic tool.

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