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 Home > Products > PDUs > Transfer Switch PDUs > 16 way Switched Transfer Switch PDU

 Part Numbers

 2U 16 way Switched Transfer Switch

 IP24004 - 07

The switched transfer switch provides fail-over redundancy to single or dual-power supply servers and network devices. Exclusive to the this model is its ability to carry loads on the A circuit, B circuit simultaneously and the ability to switch remotely each socket on/off/reboot.

This is a picture of a transfer switch with dual power inputs
  • Turn Sockets on & off via IP

  • 16x IEC C13 10A Sockets

  • 2 x hard wired power inputs

  • Load Balancing (50% load sharing)

  • 2 x local current Amp monitoring

  • Transfer in less than 18 milliseconds

The switched transfer switch fail-over redundancy to single or dual-power supply servers and network devices. Exclusive to this model is its ability to carry loads on the A circuit, B circuit or both and to remotely manage the outlets.

Similar, but unlike a common automatic transfer switch, the switched transfer switch is unique in that it contains two (2) in-feeds and two (2) banks of eight (8) outlets each, for a total of 16 outlets across the two circuits.

The "A" infeed routinely powers just the A1-8 outlets, and the "B" in-feed routinely powers just the B1-8 outlets. However, if the "A" infeed goes down, the "B" infeed powers all 16 outlets and the same if the “B” infeed goes down. The transfer occurs in fewer than 18 milliseconds, which is faster than the interruption rate of the attached equipment.

This new "Fail-Safe" method has several advantages compared to a standard ATS because it does not prohibit load balancing between the two supplied circuits. A standard ATS contains two in-feeds, but runs all outlets from just one source, with the secondary source only being used once an outage occurs on the primary. The "Fail-Safe" method differs in that both circuits are routinely loaded, but only to half capacity. This results in less heat, less resistance, and consequently less of a voltage drop compared to the same load existing on just one source. Only when an outage occurs on one of the two sources will the entire load be applied to a single source.

 Transfer Switch

Hybrid Transfer Switch
50% load sharing of power across all 16 sockets
Gives Single Powered Devices Dual Power Redundancy
Outlet Grouping

 Power & Monitoring

Current Load (A)
Voltage (V)
Power (W)
Hertz (Hz)
Kilowatt (Kw)
Kilowatt Hour (Kw/hr)

 Communication (depending on model)

10/100 BaseT Ethernet
SNMPv1, 2, 3
RS-232 (Serial)

 Socket Protection

Branch Circuit Protection (either 2 or 3 banks)
Individual Clip Protection for accidental lead removal)

 Alarm Notification

Via Email & SNMP
Get notified on events, power warnings & any chagnes that may occur

 Power Control

Remote individual control of each socket or group of sockets
Local Current Draw
Sequential Programmable Power Delays
Firmware Upgradeable without interference to the PDU
Web browser control and configuration

Load Balancing with 50% power load sharingThis is a picture of a transfer switch with load balancing

No Syncronisation between phasesThis is a picture of a transfer switch diagram that requires no syncronisation

Transfer Switch connected to different servers / switches / routersThis is a picture of a transfer switch in a rack with different servers


Secure Shell for secure remote terminal


Secure Sockets Layer-enabled HTTPS server

 Active Directory w/LDAPv3

User authentication with LDAPv3


Redundant power feeds pick up the entire load for both circuits if either power feed fails

 Remote Management

Reboot locked-up servers and network gear via IP or out-of-band

 Power-up Sequencing

of outlets prevents a power in-rush overload. User Adjustable

 Input Current Monitor

Power monitoring of each power circuit (amps) remotely via the interface and

 Local Monitoring

Dual Local current displays on the PDU


Multiple user accounts can be established with designated access rights

 Web GUI

Full configuration & control for grouping & control of outlets, configuring accounts and settings

 Add a Second PDU

Connect a Power Tower Expansion Module to each master to 32 managed outlets

 Outlet Grouping

Group individual outlets for control of dual-power supply servers and devices with a single command

 Programmable Outlet Names

24 character naming

 Power Distribution

16A or 32A power input feeds with any plug type you require

 RS-232 Control

Control via RS-232

 Global Secure Modem

Field replaceable modem can be added at any time

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