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Switchboard Monitoring

A non invasive no down-time Intelligent Switchboard Monitoring package that is an easy-to-use solutions for remote data centre monitoring. Through our web-based products, the  solutions are for monitoring sites both large and small and, whether you have 1 site or hundreds.

Track your power metrics at the circuit level on your switchboard. By gathering information for all circuits within a power panel you can see:

  1. Amperage - Knowing exact amperage eliminates tripped breakers
  2. Voltage - See power spikes and sags and head off trouble
  3. Power Factor - Track the hidden penalty in your power bill
  4. Kw - See the actual wattage of heat generated by each circuit
  5. Kw/hr - Track energy by end user and groups
  6. Green House Gases - Track carbon footprint by user and department

The solution comprises of managing:

  1. Power Metrics
  2. Energy Management
  3. Carbon Management
  4. Heat Management
  5. Cooling/CRAC Management


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This is a picture of a screen shot of per circuit managment

TP One

A web-based monitoring and live floor-map of all your data centre's power and cooling information. A complete system for planning, commissioning and on-going management of all your IT and cooling loads. Show you exactly where to place and move equipment for maximum energy efficiency.
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 This is a picture of a per circuit monitoring unit

ES One

Non Invasive Technology that allows you to track your power metrics at the circuit level on your switchboard by gathering information for all circuits within a power panel and provides you with billing grade power data.
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This is a picture of a sensor for CRAC Unit Management

EV Cube

A unique environmental monitoring solution that has the ability to monitor Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) units. It gives you the health of each of your CRAC units with supply and return.
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