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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Over IP Group has decided to post a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page as our technical support department is commonly asked the below questions.

If your question isn't below, contact our Technical Support Manager to help you.

In turn, we will update your question.

What is SNMP?

SNMP is an acronym that is defined as Simple Network Management Protocol. A protocol designed to give a user the capability to remotely manage a computer network by polling and setting terminal values and monitoring network events.

What is a MIB?

Short for Management Information Base, a database of objects that can be monitored by a Network Management System (NMS) such as HP Openview, CA Unicentre, IBM Tivoli & many more. The MIB allows the NMS to perform gets and sets. A get is exactly as what it indicates. It retrieves information about the product. A set is changing a parameter within the product, such as the product name, etc.. In addition the MIB also contains a section for traps. Traps provide information to the NMS in the form of a message that some status at the device has changed. An example would be the loss of communication with the product at hand. The MIB is copied onto the NMS.

What is Community SNMP?

Access to the SNMP device is controlled through community names. The community name can be thought of as a password. If you don't have the correct community name you can't retrieve any data (get) or make any changes (sets). This includes attempts to browse the MIB or use any of the management software. The community name of the product at hand  is settable in the adapter.

Web Browser incomplete?

The primary possible cause that the web browser is missing parts of information about your product is that you are probably not running the latest Java Applet. To download the latest visit www.sun.com/java/. Another possible cause is that in some cases depending on your web browser whether it be Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Netscape, etc. it may need an update. Please ensure you have the most current release.

Where can I find the MIB?

All products ship with a utility CD that has the relevant firmware, MIB, usermanual, etc. on it. If you have misplaced this CD or the CD is not present, please contact us and we will email you a copy.


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